Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hi, this is my first blog and post. The object of this blog is my slightly spoiled, well loved pooch: Kailey. She is 2 1/2 and was born April 13th(it WAS a Friday LoL). Her "breed" is not recognised, she is a jack russel x pug. Yes, I know.....what were we thinking????? But once we saw the little face there was no turning back!!

On Sept 15th, 2009 I slipped and broke all three bones in my ankle and have spent the last 12 weeks on my backside mostly in bed with my faithful little pup beside me the whole time :) I am now able to move around and have the cast off finally. Today my boss called to tell me I was laid off. What a great day??????? Oh well, time for a career change.

So, along with Kailey, I have been getting back into knitting, sewing and cooking.....see something good did come out of this!!! This will be my journey into physio, hopefully a new career and just generally life.